My Informational Website

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  • #21990
    Denham Goulbourne

    I own a Informational Website, the name of it is
    Please feel free to visit it and tell me what you thing of it.

    andrew nevins

    Blessingz my brother iam a Jamaican 🇯🇲 aswell live in UK Birmingham I was in Queens New York and Canada that was not my destination its Africa my brother. WHAT U HAVE DONE my words can’t explain bless up

    Nicole Toney

    Peace and love brother Denham! This is a great site to find important information in one location. It brings us together. Keep up the good work.

    Ikeashia Barr

    Thanks for sharing this website adding it to my websites for resources. I really am enjoying the list of African resources you provided on the website as well. Side note: I would love to connect with you further regarding your overall website efforts my website is and feel free to contact me at

    Denham Goulbourne

    Blessings my brother Andrew, Thanks u for your kind words. I am also a Jamaican who is living in Florida, I also lived in Queens, Brooklyn and The Bronx. I am originally from Harbor View. My final destination where I would love to live is Africa. My website is a labor of love, I just love useful information, Africa, Africa history, Africa development and my African people. We as a people have come a long way and still have a long way to go, but together we can make a big difference that is why I love ADDI so much. We all need to unite, unity is the key to our survival and success. I surely believe tat ‘Yes We Can!!!”
    So far I am the only one that have been population my website with the exception of the forum section. I do welcome some additional help. If you would like to add anything to my website, please type it up in a word document then attach it to an email and I will a new web page for you then cut and pact whatever you send into that page then publish it. Send the email to Knowledge is power my brother we have to do our best to educate the massive as much as we can. Big up and nuff respect.

    One Love
    Denham Goulbourne

    Denham Goulbourne

    Hi IKeashia, Thanks you very much for your kind works and I am very glad that you liked my website. I also liked your website, it is very interesting. I am taking your free course, it is very informative. My website is still growing and I still have a lot of African History and African Information to add to it. I love Africa very much and I am looking forward to going there one day. ADDI is a very wonderful organization and I am looking forward to do whatever I can to help develop Africa, it is well over due. It is only when we all unite, work together and support each other that we can succeed in life. I firmly believe in “Yes We Can!!!” Yes we can unite and we are doing it. We just have to continue doing whatever we are doing because “Together We Stand.”
    I will be sending you an email soon and I will be adding your website to my website.

    Denham Goulbourne

    Denham Goulbourne

    Hi Nicole, I am very glad that you liked my website. It is a labor of love to try my best to unite our people and to educate them more, because there is a lot of things that they will not teach us in school because they want us to stay ignorant so they can continue to use, exploit and abuse us. We all have to try and learn as much as we can and teach others what we know. Knowledge is power, With adequate knowledge we all can live a better lifestyle and help our brothers and sisters out of poverty. The care.

    Please keep visiting my website because I will be add some more useful information.
    We all have to continue working to unite each other.
    Please continue telling other about ADDI. Together we can make a very big difference,

    One Love
    Denham Goulbourne.

    Denham Goulbourne

    If anyone would like to contact me directly my email is

    Velva Boles

    Greetings,My name is Velva Boles and just visited your website….Great job. I wonder if there are “financial advisors” working with “lay investors” in African gold. I was on the ADDI webinar last week; it left me excited to become part of the solution of keeping African gold and other resources in Africa and enriching African people and descendants. I do not have concrete, actionable information to move money from American financial instruments to something that ADDI spoke of. Do you know of or have more contact resources to facilitate what I describe?Velva Boles

    Stefanie Robinson

    Peace and Light Brother, love what you’ve done. I surely shared on my social media platform.

    Philip Sumpter

    My mistake posting to the wrong space… I remove my message.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Philip Sumpter. Reason: Mistakenly posted to wrong group
    Denham Goulbourne

    Hi you all, Sorry I have not been posting stuff on this forum for a while, I have been very busy with other things, but I am back now and I would like to say that I am very exited with the growth of ADDI. The train in slowly pulling out of the station, you all make sure you jump on board.

    There have been a lot of new developments: They are in partnership with a very good and growing bit coin by the name oduwa coin, You can buy some even it is just a small amount. To purchase the coin, go to the ADDI website the click on the ‘Buy Oduda Coin’ at the top of the webpage. They are also coming out with there own credit/debit card, When it comes out try and get one, then deposit your spending money in it then use to buy you groceries, gas and pay your utility bill with it. This way we develop our own spending power. They are also partnering with and investment organization by the name of African Diaspora Revival Fund, this organization is a for-profit organizing, ADDI is a non-profit organization. With this organization you can invest in a wide verity of things which will guarantee a good return on your investment. You should wait about 3-5 years to see a return on your interment.
    Visit there website at

    We have to constantly marketing ADDI by telling friends and family about it and post it with your social media friends.
    Let’s all push to have over one million members join ADDI by thr end of the year. There is 1.3 Billion Africans living in Africa and 1.4 Billion African Diasporas living in the world!!!
    Yes We Can…
    I am very proud of each of you. Keep up the good work. We are making Marcus Garvey dream come true. Peace.

    One Love

    Denham Goulbourne

    Please constantly post things in this forum.

    It it is to be, it is up to us…

    Denham Goulbourne

    We have to constantly encourage and support each other.


    Hello, Bro. Denham

    Is your website still active?

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