Profile for User: Godefroid Niyonkuru
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Godefroid Niyonkuru
ParticipantI just want to share with you what king boduin of Belgium said on the Independence Day in DRC in June 1960. This king praised these actions of cruelty that were started by king leopard the second back then in 1800s, continued by the Belgium government at the time till they gave a fake independence to DRC. In his view, what they had been doing in DRC was for the best of Congolese people, to civilize them, build them hospitals and schools, teach them the word of God and so much more as he narrated. It was so humiliating for a king to mask exploitation with development of the country. In contrary, Mr. Lumumba fearlessly opposed this and contradicted what the king said, and this might had led to his death because he could not accept a fake independence. What followed the termination of Lumumba was heartbreaking, the west installed a dictator named Mobutu who ended up even changing the name of Congo to Zaire, the country that Lumumba wanted to turn into a center of development for the Africa become a center of exploitation by the west helped by this puppet’s government. Mobutu served the interests of France and Belgium for 30 years to the expense of its own people who until now continues to suffer because the governments have been changing but the root cause had never been changed, the invisible hand of former colonizers still dictate and dominate everything in the country. Congo is my neighbor; it has never had peace even after Mubutu’death in 1996 because he was removed by the help of neighboring countries who also put Kabila in power for the same interests of exploitation done by Africans this time. So far, DRC has insecurity problems especially in its eastern part where many mines are located, and the government has no control of this place at all.
Godefroid Niyonkuru
ParticipantThank you so much bro for bringing this topic, to create Africa we want is a lifelong task that we have to dedicate our lives for and work hard toward realizing this dream. As I have been saying nobody else will come to put an end to the problems that Africa has been suffering from since slavery until now except Africans themselves. This is not an ease work as we will have to face the big fishes that want to continue their legacy of domination and exploitation, Africans need to be united to face these former colonizers and tell them that enough is enough we have woken up and you will no longer pray on us as you have been doing before. I am very happy that young Africans have started to realize this, and they are revolting against imperialists. Take the example of west Africa and Gabon recently where this string of coups has been making headlines, these are not mere coups against the puppet’s governments put in place by France but an Africa wide revolt against France exploitation. This continent was beautiful before slavery and colonization; fertile, booming, climate friendly and peaceful but with the arrival of colonizers it began to lose these God given beauty and become so unbearable as we see it today. Whenever I play and replay the speech of king Leopard II of Belgium’s speech in 1883 instructing the missionaries to preach Africans that everything African was satanic, demonic and had to be erased, replaced by the west’s religion I got devasted by the level of cruelty and savage our people went through these times, that is not even the worst, the thing is that this king ordered missionaries to starve Africans, make them do heavy work for them and whenever they complained they were told that you had to be poor for you to go to heaven and you had to suffer for you to enjoy the fruits and beauty of heaven, this was very devastating and heart breaking. What is shocking is that we still have people who believe in this poor mindset here on the continent till now. Africa has to rise up and stand on its own because it has what it takes to do so.
Godefroid Niyonkuru
ParticipantDRC is one of the poorest countries in Africa despite its immense mineral endowment. Its most unfortunate to see the level of underdevelopment in DRC while its mining and extraction rights are being given to foreign companies to the expense of its own people. DRC has never got the real independence to start with, the king of Belgium Leopard the 2nd made it a slave colony for 30 years, the government of Belgium ran this colony for another 40 years and when it got a fake independence in June 1960 with the struggle of their popular first prime mister Mr. Lumumba, the same colonizers killed him and installed another dictator Mobutu for another 30 years. So, mining rights have never belonged to RDC people instead they have been controlled and handed over to their former colonizers since independence to appease them and for these puppets governments that ruled it after independence to stay in power and enrich themselves and their inner circle. Whenever the story of DRC is being raised it makes people really reflect on what is going on in Africa, to see a country like that which is rich in all precious mineral resources being exploited to its knees while its people are being killed like ants and nobody cares because those who are meant to help DRC solve its problems are the ones who arm the rebels and keep this insecurity just to allow them to exploit the country. DRC is the explicit example of what neocolonialism really means and how it can destroy a country in spite of its God given mineral resources. What we are observing in west Africa today, I mean the string of coups in former French colonies is the revolt against these injustices and it is a good sign that young Africans are sick and tired of the exploitation and domination being done by France in those countries. DRC needs a wakeup call as well.
September 14, 2023 at 11:39 am in reply to: How can Africans in Africa be part of the movement? #418532Godefroid Niyonkuru
ParticipantI live in Rwanda, and I have never been out of it though I wish I can be a part of the diaspora because of the expertise this community has. I have a deep love for Africa, and I wish the diaspora can interact with us through several platforms like Intra-Africa discussions, Webinars and Panafrican forums etc. Nobody else will come and save Africa from France and the west’s exploitation except African themselves. That’s why we should create platforms like these to speak out the injustices that our former colonizers had done and continue to do in Africa. I have been so much inspired by the love and dedication that Dr Arikana has for a better Africa that is treated fairly and respected by the west. Through these platforms we can invite the diaspora to come and share with us the expertise and we sit around the table and brainstorm how we can find solutions to African problems ourselves without begging the west to dictate to us how we should solve them. As I said from the beginning nobody will do it for us, it’s our duty to prioritize our problems and solve them. The main problem that Africa had after independence and continues to have so far is that it has allowed the west to dictate how it should live, trade, lead and engage with the rest of the world. Africans themselves are the ones to design how they should engage and partner with the west and these partnerships must be of win – win not parasitism as it is of today. We need the expertise of the diaspora by interacting with us through platforms like the ones I have mentioned.