Join New Awakening for Black People

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  • #287043
    Philip Sumpter

    Brothers & Sisters…

    Get all your Black/Afrikan history under one roof going back 1000s of years ago in Kemet (a.k.a. Egypt) and going forward to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Colonization of Afrika, and beyond. This is your opportunity to learn all your history, not just some of it. You get years of research with facts coming from science (Linguistics, Archeology, Anthropology, history). Listen to grandmaster Black scholars, Black historians, and other Blacks that did the work and gave their lives to bringing us the truth.

    Now is the time to get the truth about our Black/Afrikan ancestors never told to us before. Finally, we can put all the pieces to the puzzle together. Get a better understanding of who and what you are as well as learn the greatness of our people including the downfalls.

    Join Here…

    You must sign up to get an account for the social network above before you can join the private group.

    Sherry Johnson
    Philip Sumpter

    Wow… I truly forgot all about updating my old post regarding the NAFBP (New Awakening for Black People) private group now found on The BackRoom Social site. The BackRoom is the sister site to OBT Social but more private–Michael is the owner of both.

    Now we can say what we mean and mean what we say without looking over our shoulders, getting banned, or deleting our content. Of course, this goes even further whereby we can voice ourselves without other ethnic groups going raving mad when hearing the truth.

    To get access and join the NAFBP private group, you must sign up to join BackRoom Social here…
    ***You may be asked to enter an invitation code which I can create a code for you. Just let me know here.

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Philip Sumpter. Reason: Post was updated with new link included
    Philip Sumpter

    Thanks, sister Sheri… I’ve just updated my old post with a new link to the NAFBP.

    Karla Thomas

    Is this Black truth a legitimate site? We must be alert for disinformation from bad actors wishing to destroy our progress.
    There needs to be someone within this organization who can vet and moderate any communications taking place within this form.

    Philip Sumpter

    Hi sister Karla… Hope you think I’m legit and my New Awakening for Black People private group. Just now, I created a new post after being away for quite some time. The New Awakening group was moved to a different social network with a different URL but still part of the same Black social network ownership, formally OBT Social.

    However, I don’t see my rather long post. It seems to be gone.


    Philip Sumpter

    Philip Sumpter

    For some reason, I can’t update my content here. The New Awakening for Black People private group was moved.

    Philip Sumpter

    Well, I guess I must keep it short. Where the NAFBP can be found now…

    Philip Sumpter

    If interested in joining the private group, you may need an invite code. Let me know and I will create one.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
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